Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturdays in October...

...are full of soccer games. Chase is not the most aggressive player. Neither is anyone else on our team, so we are learning lots of defensive skills. As you can see by the photo, he is nowhere NEAR the ball. He is having fun though, so I suppose that's what counts.This afternoon we made a visit to the pumpkin patch in Alleghany. This was the first year it's been there, and it was fantastic! They boasted face painting, cookie decorating, hay rides, a grass maze (less intense than corn mazes - and you were looking for treasure), AND lovely pumpkins. Oh yeah, and it didn't rain. So for Oregon pumpkin patches, it was pretty amazing!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Road Trip!

Yes. Shawn and I piled the kids, luggage, camping gear, and various electronic devices designed to entertain into our Honda and headed east to visit Auntie Monica and Uncle Scott in (humid!) Minneapolis. We were gone three weeks. We had a blast, but it's too fresh to blog every detail. I just can't go there yet. Anyway, here are a few of the highlights... We were worn out in the evenings! They were staying up pretty late, so when they crashed, they CRASHED. We had to take a picture to remind them later that they really DO like each other - even when one crosses the invisible backseat line to pester thy neighbor. Did we ask complete strangers to take family photos? Oh, yes. Several times... well, now that I think about it, maybe just once... ...or twice. These may be the only photos we have with all four of us. Look for one on an upcoming Christmas card. I must go now and laze on my own couch with my own television. It's nice to be home sweet home.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Facebook Killed the Blogging Star

I tell you, there is a direct coorelation between my negletfulness in adding posts here, and my relatively new-found on-line hobby. And for the life of me, I can't tell you why I find the mundane details of other people's lives so gosh-darn interesting. Like when someone takes their kids to Costco, or someone else goes on a three-mile run. Is my life better for reading these things? And are other people better off knowing that I just put a pot roast in the oven (OK, busted. I've never done that), or that I can't wait for Friday? Doubtful. So why is that site my first stop when I get to a computer? Mmm. Not quite sure. I know I need to take some more pictures of my kids and write insightful things on this blog for people to read - but you can see all that on the evil Facebook, and check your Farmville at the same time! How can I compete with the one-stop shop? I'm starting to feel like the family-owned grocery store hating the Wal-Mart. I should most definetly get over myself. No one reads this junk anyhow! Plus, I find Wal-Mart extremely vital to my existence. So Facebook on everone; I'll be checking in to join new fan sites and check my friend suggestions like everyone else. Just don't forget about the little bloggers out there. In return, I'll try to post more than once every other month in the future!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The First (Legit) Lost Tooth

If you'll recall, the other lost teeth weren't so much lost, as pulled in a harrowing day-surgery experience... Notice proud "Poppa" in the background. He was showing his loose tooth, wiggled it for effect, and it just popped out. I wish I could have captured the look on his face. Good times. The Tooth Fairy left five bucks.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Dear (Other) Maureen March,

OK. I'm an understanding person. In the seven years I have rocked your name, I have recieved several phone calls/solicitations from creditors and debt collection agencies. They seem to want you to pay up - the University of Alaska, some nice people you morgaged your fifth-wheel from, and a credit card company to name a few. At first I laughed it off. "Ha, ha. You have confused me with another Maureen March." However, in the last few months, I have been hounded by these people - now through the mail. You are freaking me out, Other Maureen March. Now my phone number AND my address is linked to YOU. How long until my social security number is too? Look, I understand our economy is in the toilet and everything, but your decision to live off the grid is effecting moi. How about consulting a non-profit debt consolodation company? I'm starting to think my un-holy link to you is intentional on your part. If this is the case, you are offending me, and other Maureen Marches the world over. Get it together, get a JOB, and PAY YOUR BILLS!!! Sincerely, Maureen Jolae Grabow March Who Pays Her Bills

Friday, November 06, 2009

Poor Neglected Blog

I can't believe I haven't posted in over a month. My apologies to all six of my readers. Things have been busy in March-land, but I can't quite put my finger on why. When I really think of the things I have accomplished since school began, the list is lame... 1. I caught up on all my Nip/Tuck thanks to Netflix. I can now watch season six with the help of TiVo. 2. Hayden appears to show curiousity regarding the toilet. I vow to take this on over Christmas break. 3. I conquered the Schoolmaster program at work. I thought it may get the best of me, but I came out on top. 4. I am currently renewing the teaching license... although after my day at school, I am wondering why. 5. Ummmm. Like I said. The list is lame. Particularly compared to this list of things I WANT to accomplish...

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Chase started kindergarten today. Wow. Major milestone. I cannot think of anything else to say that doesn't sound enormously corny, but it all applies ("They grow so fast," "Wasn't he just born yesterday?" etc.).While I'm living the milestones - Hayden, would you mind pooping in the toilet? I'm ready.